Electric-Powered Polyurethane Injection Pump

Our Impact 410 Pumps are polyurethane injection pumps typically used for most concrete crack injection projects using water-reactive polyurethane resins.


  • Automatic pressure-actuated start/stop operation maintains injection pressures within determined limits.

  • Airless piston pumps specially modified for large grouting projects using one-component and two-component resins.

  • Injection pressure range adjustable up to 2,000 PSI by rotating knob mounted on top of pump – no tools required.

  • Max. recommended hose length = 100 feet of 1/4″hose.

  • Variable output up to 1.5 litres per minute.

  • Lightweight – 18 kg complete with hose and fittings.

  • Variable-capacity suction containers with gravity suction assembly to pump intake chamber.

  • Various resin discharge control headers to accommodate specific site conditions.

  • Spare parts, rental units, and servicing options are available.


Equipment Data Sheet