The Use of Appropriate Grouting Techniques Is Our Secret to Making Your Construction Project Successful

Exceptional Technical Services

Each Project is Managed by Our Skilled Grouting Specialists using Innovative

Techniques and Equipment to Ensure Your Grouting Work is Completed On Time and On Budget.

All While Delivering Outstanding Results.

Chemical Grouting Injection image

Typically used in crack injection at the periphery of a development heading, leak sealing and void filling

Cement Grouting Services banner image

Grout mixes using Portland cement and Microfine cement for rock and soil grouting applications

Cellular Grouting Services image

Used for applications that require a low density, lightweight and highly flowable material

Thermal Grout solutions designed for efficient heat dissipation and extended cable lifespan.

Highly Specialized Grouting Solutions

Get Your Grouting Challenges Solved by Our Specialists

We Help Contractors to Implement Highly Specialized Grouting Solutions with Proven Results

Techniques and Equipment to Ensure Your Grouting Work is Completed On Time and On Budget

Main page Crack Injection service image

Technical guidance on practical work applications for a variety of complex crack injection projects

Main page Soil Stabilization service image

Soil grouting solutions for lagging and caisson walls, sheet piles, and deep excavations

Main page Water Cut-Off and grouting services image

Stop water inflows in utilities and tunnel construction, shored excavations and leaking rock

Our skilled technicians specialize in the installation, maintenance, and repair of grouting equipment for construction companies.

Our services include on-site assessments,
recommendations, and application of appropriate grouting products, equipment and techniques to suit your site conditions.